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Repco Anbu Magan

This exclusive savings scheme for your young boy ensures shaping his future with love, hope, and aspirations.

Repco Anbu Magan - With each deposit, Repco Anbu Magan crafts a bridge to his dreams!

Eligibility - Boy child less than 18 years old

Pre-closure - Less 1% from the applicable ROI for the period

Period - Min 3 years and Max 5 Years

Loan on deposit - A loan shall be permitted for the boy and the guardian shall be a member of the bank.

Interest Payment - On maturity

Why Choose Anbu Magan?

Secure his dreams with Anbu Magan, where every deposit sparks a brighter future. Gift your child a lifetime opportunity, because he deserves the best.

Every deposit sparkles a brighter future of your child

Benefit from an exceptional 7.75% interest rate

Secure his dreams with unmatched financial growth and support.

Deposits of up to 100 lakhs

Embrace this golden opportunity to empower your son's journey.

Anbu Magan Calculator

Calculate your deposit based on scheme, deposit period and average interest rate. We are making your calculations more transparent with a hassle-free experience.

1. Name of the Scheme


Amount Invested 1,00,000

Amount Earned

Repatriates Cooperative Finance and Development Bank Ltd. (REPCO BANK) was registered on November 19, 1969, as a Cooperative Society under the relevant provisions of the Madras Cooperative Societies Act, 1961, with jurisdiction over the State of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and the Union Territory of Puducherry.

Repco Towers, N0:33, North Usman Road ,T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017

Ph No - 044-28340715

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